mediacodec decode

I just finished a simple video player with the combination of MediaExtractor and MediaCodec, you may find the full project from my Github. private MediaExtractor extractor; private MediaCodec decoder; private Surface surface; ...

相關軟體 Adobe Media Player 下載

Adobe Media Player is a next-generation desktop media player, providing high-quality video playback of streamed, downloaded, or locally stored video content. Using the simple, intuitive interface of A...

了解更多 »

  • With the new JB MediaCodec APIs, is it possible to encode and decode AMR simultaneously? I...
    android - mediacodec encode decode simultaneously? - Stack ...
  • I just finished a simple video player with the combination of MediaExtractor and MediaCode...
    Android Hardware Decoding with MediaCodec - CSDN博客
  • Information about the Android MediaCodec class, with sample code. ... Last update: 2016-06...
    Android MediaCodec stuff - Big Flake
  • This page is about the Android MediaCodec class, which can be used to encode and decode au...
    Android MediaCodec stuff - Eric_II - 博客園
  • Android has a great media library allowing all sorts of things. Until recently though, the...
    Android MediaCodec “Decoded” - CSDN博客
  • 本文向你讲述如何用android标准的API (MediaCodec)实现视频的硬件编解码。例程将从摄像头采集视频开始,然后进行H264 编码,再解码,然后显示。我将尽量讲得简短而...
    Android 用MediaCodec实现视频硬解码(转)
  • Android has a great media library that provides countless possibilities for application de...
    Android* Hardware Codec – MediaCodec | Intel® Software
  • MediaCodecDemo - Android MediaCodec API Demo ... Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over ...
    GitHub - cedricfungMediaCodecDemo: Android MediaCodec API ...
  • MediaCodecExample - Android MediaCodec Example ... Android MediaCodec example Cr...
    GitHub - taehwandevMediaCodecExample: Android MediaCodec Ex ...
  • MediaCodec class can be used to access low-level media codecs, i.e. encoder/decoder compon...
    MediaCodec | Android Developers